Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Go For Your Goals Review

Click here to go to the Go for Your Goals home page

If you would like to teach your children about goal setting and the basics of the law of attraction, you have come to the right place. Teach your youngsters how to get what they want in life, plus a lot more "grown up" self help tips for life with this awesome ebook set from two professional educators and a talented illustrator.

Meet the professionals who share their info:

1) Writer Winsome Coutts is an experienced teacher, grandmother and mother of two. She has authored hundreds of self help articles, and studied with John Demartini and Bob Proctor of, "The Secret" DVD.

2) Witer Jessi Hoffman is an experienced teacher with a Master's credential who has authored courses for Trump University about goal-setting.

3) Illustrator Anneli Asplund boasts credentials from IKEA of Australia, is previous owner / operator of her own greeting card design before raising her young children, teaching them about goals already.

Two thumbs up for a wonderfully rounded selection of materials for youth that teach them step by step instructions about goal setting, strategy and visualizing. Buyers get their moneys worth and more with:

- An awesome set of illustrated books in digital downloadable format; one for young children, one for older ones.

- A guide for parents.

- Children's activity sheets

- Lots of freebies from sponsors

Click here to go to the Go for Your Goals home page